Bioregioning Tayside (External organisation)

  • Frediani, K. (Member)
  • Clare Cooper (Member)
  • Marian Bruce (Member)

    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee


    Bioregioning Tayside is a new platform which is bringing people in Tayside together to build resilience in the face of:
    1) global heating – with major implications for survival of life as we know it
    2) a sixth mass extinction of plants and animals driven by us, which is collapsing biodiversity and threatening the food webs we depend on
    3) a broken economic model – which is fuelling the climate crisis and biodiversity collapse and resulting in increasing social injustice and mental ill health
    Period29 Mar 2022
    Degree of RecognitionRegional


    • Bioregioning
    • community engagement
    • sustainable development
    • Human Ecology