Bridgeton Dental Clinic Pilot. Service Evaluation 2024.

Activity: Consultancy typesConsultancy


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Public Dental Service (PDS) provides a vital service to vulnerable and vulnerabilised groups. A new service has been developed at Bridgeton Dental Clinic with the aim of providing dental care for people whose lives have been impacted by a range of social factors including but not limited to homelessness, substance use and domestic abuse. The clinic is innovative in set up and delivery, and is seeking to develop a trauma-informed approach to support such vulnerable patients. The service was first established in November 2023. The service receives referrals from the Complex Needs Service, Dental Health Support Workers, the unregistered urgent care clinic of PDS,
a Simon Community residential unit, and Alcohol & drug recovery teams.
The senior management of the PDS wanted to formally evaluate the clinic to understand the areas of the service that perform well and identify if there are any areas for improvement. Further, PDS management are keen to identify opportunities to broaden the referral pathways and subsequent uptake of care in the clinic.
An independent evaluation using a multi methods approach was conducted by the Dental Public Health Team at the University of Dundee.
To evaluate the current service delivered at Bridgeton Dental Clinic and to identify areas for service development.
1. To measure current service delivery provided by the clinic.
2. To gain patient feedback on the current service.
3. To gain feedback from third sector and social care partners on the current service.
4. To gain staff feedback on the current service.
5. To identify areas for development of the service and areas for future research.
PeriodJan 202425 Oct 2024
Work forNHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionLocal