China’s energy diplomacy towards Central Asia: Implications on China’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiative

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


    This was a talk I was invited to deliver at a high-profile event: The Beijing Forum 2015, which was co-sponsored by the Peking University, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies. It involved nearly 200 diplomats and scholars from various countries, and the three-day discussions had covered a wide range of issues including international politics, international law, economic development, civilization, history and culture, ect.. The conference dinner was held at the China's State Banquet venue - The Diaoyutai State Guest House, and the UN Secretary-General sent his congralatory message to the Conference as well.
    Period6 Nov 20158 Nov 2015
    Held atPeking University, China
    Degree of RecognitionInternational


    • China and the World
    • International Politics
    • International Law
    • Economic Development
    • Civilization
    • History
    • culture