Consumers’ Risk Perceptions, Rational, and Implicit Considerations in Alternative Protein Acceptance Behaviours

    Activity: Other activity typesFunding - grants and income which support research related activities


    Proposal Title: Consumers’ Risk Perceptions, Rational, and Implicit Considerations in Alternative Protein Acceptance Behaviours

    Funder: Jointly funded by the Singapore Food Agency and A*STAR (Agency for Science Technology and Research, Singapore) under theme 3 competitive grant call of Food Safety Science and Consumer Perception Behaviour

    Amount: 1,638,500 Singapore Dollars

    Abhishek Pathak is a Collaborator in a research project titled-‘Consumers’ Risk Perceptions, Rational, and Implicit Considerations in Alternative Protein Acceptance Behaviours’ with the team from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia. This research aims to deploy consumer science and risk communication facets to provide a comprehensive understanding of consumer perceptions and sentiments towards alternative proteins.