A/r/tography is a host of practice-based methods of inquiry attentive to contiguity and resonance, motion and materiality, possibility and potentiality (Irwin 2005; 2024). It articulates exchanges, configurations, and contagions through techniques such as notation (e.g. musical, choreographic, intermedial); measurement (e.g. iconic, numeric, spectral) or maps (e.g. aural, olfactory, tactile, visual).As a force, process, capacity, sensorial quality, chemical property, and ability to do work, energy is all around us. Beyond the sun, wind, fire, tides and oceans, embodied and disembodied labour (human, animal or machinic), energy can be found in materials such as crystals, glass, or steel; in viscous liquids such as honey or custard; in chemical elements such as helium or mercury; in objects such as springs and magnets; in processes such as compression, coagulation, or vibration; and in phenomena such as morphic resonance.
In this workshop, participants – artists, designers, philosophers and urban theorists – explored energetic formations, trajectories, transductions and mutations through agential media such as notation, icons, diagramming, and recording to map and/or intuit projections and traces of energetic relations across species, including plants, minerals, machines and animals.
Period | 26 Jun 2024 |
Event type | Workshop |
Location | Dundee, United KingdomShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | Regional |