"Holly Davey: A Script for an Archive: Women" acquisition by the DJCAD Time-Based Art Collection

  • Bodor, J. (Contributor)
  • Lockhart, A. (Contributor)
  • Naomi van Dijck (Contributor)
  • Miriam Mallalieu (Contributor)

    Activity: Other activity typesPublic engagement and outreach - festival/exhibition


    A Script for an Archive: Women is a multi-component digital artwork [including a scripted performance and digital collages] by Holly Davey commissioned and curated online as key outcome of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-funded research project 'What is a living archive? Curating the Unruly Archives of Contemporary Art’

    Building on five women artists work in the collection Davey – who we selected through an Open Call - produced a new performance to reimagine this particular collection as a feminist archive. The only time audiences could experience the performance live online was at the launch event on Zoom on 31 January 2022 which I organised, and hosted including an artist talk and Q&A. There were between 50-100 in the audience. The recording of the performance [31:43 mins], alongside the performance script and a series of digital collages have been accessioned into DJCAD’s time-based art collection in Spring 2022 and remain displayed on the project’s website.
    Held atSchool of Art and Design