Activity: Membership types › Membership of committee
The mission of IPSA is to address the professions of architecture and psychoanalysis with a view to educating both professional groups as to their common ground. We hold periodic online lectures and seminars on select topics in which we invite members of these and other professions. The core members of IPSA are currently working on a book with the provisional title Lacan and Architecture (Palgrave, 2024) in the series Palgrave Lacan Series, which is one of the major publications by Lacan informed psychoanalytic professionals. Series Editors Calum Neill and Derek Hook. ‘The Palgrave Lacan Series is a book series for the best new writing in the Lacanian field, giving voice to the leading writers of a new generation of Lacanian thought.’ Our book will be the 28th in the series.
Lorens Holm founded IPSA by drawing together the authors and peer reviewers associated with the paper session Holm organised at the AHRA conference, held in Dundee in 2019. IPSA is the only output to come out of that conference that is not solely academic.