Microbes Week for Dundee Science Centre's Science @ Home Programme

Activity: Other activity typesOther


The Dundee Science Centre's Science @ Home activity kits aims to bring fun and engaging science learning activities to children and families affected by the COVID 19 pandemic.

Dundee Science Centre recognises that within our local community there is a real need for children and families to keep having fun and by taking part in the Science @ Home activity kits, they hope to make a positive difference to wellbeing and learning.
The weekly activity kits are based on their Home Learning Digital Programme and aspects have been adapted to ensure that activities can be completed at home and all the equipment needed is included in the weekly activity packs.
A number of local organisations have come together in partnership to support this project. This includes The Gate Church International, Dundee City Council Education department, University of Dundee and Dundee Bairns.

The School of Life Sciences has adapted the microbes week content from the Home Learning Digital Programme. The University of Dundee Dental School with ChildSmile and NHS Tayside have also contributed to the content and materials. Topics covered research that takes place in the Division of Molecular Microbiology, the Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives Research and the Dental School.
PeriodJul 2020Aug 2020
Degree of RecognitionLocal