Occupation: Negotiations with Constructed Space

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    Invited member of the international conference review panel for 'OCCUPATION: Negotiations with Constructed Space'- 2-4 July 2009.This conference, the third in an annual series of *Interiors* conferences initiated by IFS Interiors Forum Scotland was will held at the University of Brighton hosted by the Interior Architecture and Urban Studies Programme in the School of Architecture and Design. OCCUPATION: Negotiations with Constructed Space' explored ways that buildings and places are used or occupied.Issues of inhabitation, enclosure and containment are of critical importance in this new century and an understanding of relationships between politics, place and space is indispensable for any sort of practice today. Researchers, practitioners and students in fields of art, architecture and interior and spatial design must be open toreadings of territory and design processes that are relevant to our current situation. OCCUPATION: Negotiations with Constructed Space' addressed the frictions andnegotiations that occur between built space and inhabitants and examined the motivations and forces that are usually present when designing spaces for human inhabitation. The following conference themes were explored:1. The theme of *Occupation and Place* explored the relationships of people to particular sites, including issues of ownership, purchase,possession and inhabitation. 2. *Occupation and Time* examined issues about temporal or transient occupation, including alternative ways of occupying territory such as squatting and the marking out of territory.3. *Occupation and Appropriation* addressed states of control, claims to property and territory, acts of dispossession and exclusion and the occupation of interstitial or unusual spaces. 4. *Occupation Memory and Imagination* investigated acts of consciousness or forms of belief that lead to the redrawing of boundaries and notions of imagined space.Keynote speakers, include: Irit Rogoff, (Professor of Visual Culture, Goldsmiths College, London University); Eyal Weisman (Professor of Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College, London University); Neil Leach (Professor of Architectural Theory, University of Brighton); Fred Scott, (visiting Professor at Rhode Island School of Design); Maxine Naylor (Professor of Design Research, University of Brighton); Markus Miessen (London and Berlin based architect, researcher, educator andwriter) Declan McGonagle (writer, curator and director of the National College of Art & Design, Dublin).The conference website: http://www.brighton.ac.uk/arts/news/occupation.htmlThe conference was led by Terry Meade [email protected]
    Period1 Jul 2009
    Event titleOccupation Conference
    Event typeConference
    LocationBrighton, United KingdomShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational


    • occupation
    • territory
    • ownership
    • place
    • interior