Online Drawing Session

    Activity: Other activity typesPublic engagement and outreach - festival/exhibition


    Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 202118 November - 5 December 2021 - Events Programme.

    Saturday 27 November 2021 from 11am to 1pm: Online Drawing Session with Alex Roberts of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design.

    "An online life drawing session taking place in DJCAD’s Virtual Life Room. A taster session for those considering studying or returning to study in art and design, and for those who wish to find out more about studying at the University of Dundee, where drawing is seen as an essential aspect of teaching, learning and research in Art & Design.

    The workshop will focus on observation & connectivity: viewing the body with all our senses. Tracing your mark, noticing your delicacy of touch, and how your hand connects to surface/ form in relation to what you observe. Exercises, quick and long poses, using various materials". DJCAD, University of Dundee.

    Aim: core knowledge share, delivering quality drawing education, representing DJCAD, partnership building for future recruitment.
    Impact: requests about further participation or involvement, along with questions about art and design courses offered at DJCAD.
    Period27 Nov 2021
    Degree of RecognitionInternational


    • virtual life drawing
    • life drawing
    • drawing
    • drawing community
    • drawing networks
    • drawing research
    • drawing prize
    • educational values
    • drawing methods