Propositional knowledge in a world of process

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


    In this paper I am looking at possible ways of correlating the fundamentally dynamic (i.e. temporal) and concrete reality that we live in and the ideal of propositional knowledge about reality. This research program presupposes (a) that ultimately reality is concrete and temporal as process philosophers like Alfred North Whitehead or Henri Bergson argue and (b) that both this concreteness and temporality are problematic when it comes to propositional knowledge. While I will extensively engage with the second issue (b), for the purposes of this paper, I will only provide some introductory arguments for the first issue (a).
    Period8 Feb 2017
    Event titlePhilsoc Presents: Propositional knowledge in a world of process
    Event typeConference
    LocationGlasgow, United KingdomShow on map