Public talk: The psychology of making decisions (8th April 2013)

    Activity: Other activity typesPublic engagement and outreach - public lecture/debate/seminar


    Should I have a tea or a coffee in the morning? Should I marry this person? Is this defendant guilty or innocent? Should I undergo this risky operation? From the banal, to the weighty, pretty much everything we believe or do is the result of a decision making process occurring in our brains. Because of this central role, psychologists and economists have long been trying to understand how we make decisions. In this talk, Dr Ben Vincent (University of Dundee), will outline how people think about decisions. He’ll cover a number of examples that demonstrate the popular viewpoint that our decision making is flawed and irrational, but then highlight new thinking that we are in fact more coherent in our decision making than we’ve previously been lead to believe.
    Period8 Apr 2013