Royal Town Planning Institute Scotland Annual Conference

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference


One day annual national conference exploring digital planning as an increasingly important tool for planning in Scotland. Transforming Places Together: Scotland's Digital Strategy for Planning sets out the Scottish Government's vision to deliver a digitally transformed planning system including missions to unlock the value of planning data, deliver an end-to-end digital planning experience, create the conditions for digital to flourish, use digital tools to drive collaboration and engagement, and embed a culture of digital innovation.

The conference explored this through looking at the potential of digital planning and asking how we can make the most of it. It examined the challenges, opportunities and barriers and include a Digital Lab to give hands on interaction of emerging digital tools and resources.

Kirsty Macari was Chair of the conference but also an organiser in relation to the theme and content alongside RTPI Scotland.
Period5 Oct 2023
Event typeConference
LocationDundee, United KingdomShow on map