University of Ghana

  • Berit Mortensen (Advisor)
  • Symon, A. (Visiting lecturer)

Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution


Visiting Lecturer, University of Ghana, Legon.

As part of the work in developing the QMNC Framework programme of research I was invited to give a talk at the University of Ghana Legon in Accra. This was part of the Norwegian study (MIDRED) on which I am a consultant. A team in Ghana has been part of the developmental work.
Coincidentally, the principal and other senior University of Dundee staff were to be in Accra at the same time, and so I stayed on for three extra days to join this visit. The purpose was to showcase the University - in my case the School of Health Sciences, advertising our various postgraduate study opportunities.

The University of Ghana Legon sessions were free for attending nurses and midwives.
This one-week visit was extended by three days to accommodate the broader University of Dundee mission to showcase the University.

Period28 Jan 20238 Feb 2023
VisitingUniversity of Ghana