photo opportunity 2pm, Tuesday 29 May, Ustinov Room, Bonar Hall, University of Dundee
The annual Scottish Mathematical Challenge awards for Scottish school pupils will take place in the Bonar hall on Tuesday 29 May at the University of Dundee. Pupils will gather from all over east and central Scotland to receive their awards and listen to a mathematical presentation by Professor Mark Chaplain, director of SIMBIOS, a joint venture in mathematical modelling between the University of Dundee and the University of Abertay.
Professor Mark Chaplain: "The maths challenge is a fantastic initiative. I took part when I was at secondary school and it certainly stimulated my interest in mathematics. The challenge introduces a new, different and exciting aspect to maths outwith normal school curriculum. The University of Dundee is looking forward to welcoming the pupils to the campus."
Contact Dr Giles Thomas 01382 344475