Centrifuge dataset for screw pile installation and uplift



The dataset describes the installation and uplift loading of a screw piles in a sand bed prepared by dry pluviation. The full details of the procedure can be found in the related paper. Control of screw pile installation to optimise performance for offshore energy applications (2021). Cerfontaine, B.*, Brown, M.J., Knappett, J.A., Davidson, C., Sharif, Y.U., Huisman, M., Ottolini, M. , Ball, J. Géotechnique

The different phases of each test are described in Figure 1. The data sampling rate is equal to 10ms.
1. The centrifuge is spun up to the final g-level (50g at mid-depth of the pile).
2. A period of rest (few minutes).
3. Installation of the pile at a given advancement ratio (AR), defined as the vertical displacement of the pile per rotation, normalised by the helix pitch (helix height, measured at mid-plate). The rotation rate is fixed at 3RPM and the vertical rate depends on the AR.
4. The torque motor is disengaged (torque is released) and another rest period is allowed.
5. The pile is uplifted of 10mm at a rate of 1mm/min.
6. (Optional) The pile is unscrewed up to the surface.
7. The centrifuge is spun down.
The measured data are given at model scale and their units indicated between brackets.
1. The vertical position [mm] of the pile, whose tip is initially one or two mm from the sand surface. The position is measured from the top and position downwards.
2. The vertical force [kN] at the top of the pile, which is positive downwards (pile in compression).
3. The torque [Nm] measured at the top of the pile, which is positive clockwise.
There is an offset for each measured data. The offset considered in the paper to zero the different measurements is the value measured at the end of the first rest period. A summary of all the tests main parameters is given in the summary Excel file.
Date made availableMay 2021
PublisherUniversity of Dundee

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