Charting the Digital Lifespan Work Package 1 Data: Digital Experience at Life Transitions



    This dataset includes qualitative data from the EPSRC-funded Charting the Digital Lifespan project [PI: Moncur. EPSRC Reference EP/L00383X/1]. This is Work Package 1 Data: Interview Transcripts and Notes on Digital Personhood and Digital Experience at Life Transitions of Leaving Secondary School, Becoming a Parent, and Retiring from Work in the UK.

    Included are audio recordings of interviews with 46 participants in Mp3 format, transcripts of interviews (46) and field notes (11) in Microsoft Word (.docx) format, screen grabs related to the project and included for coding (7) in Portable Network Graphics (.png) format, hand-drawn (and subsequently digitized) maps made by 46 research participants, in .jpg format, a full list of codes (66) and their descriptions created for this project and drawn from the research software Hyperresearch, in Excel (.xlsx) format, and 66 Hyperresearch reports (in .txt format) comprising coded transcripts and field notes associated with a single code (for example, Agency, or Devices Used) in the research software Hyperresearch.

    The broad topics covered by these data include, at each life transition: enablement through digital, digital social norms, privacy and security, permanence of data, devices and platforms, nostalgia, modes of communication, expressions of self, digital literacy, time online, media forms, and physical and digital links.

    Due to ethical concerns, supporting data cannot be made openly available. Further information about the restrictions on data access are available at the University of Dundee Institutional Repository - email [email protected]
    Date made available2015
    PublisherUniversity of Dundee
    Temporal coverageOct 2013 - Oct 2015

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