This file includes the interview guides from the EPSRC-funded Charting the Digital Lifespan project [PI: Moncur. EPSRC Reference EP/L00383X/1]. This project investigated digital personhood and digital experience at the life transitions of leaving secondary school, becoming a parent, and retiring from work in the UK.
This file contains three Interview guides, used to structure interviews with individuals at each life transition point. The guides set out questions and also notes (including types of internet activity to ask interviewees about) and were used between December 2013 and December 2014. Individuals interested in similar topics may feel free to use the interview guides as a starting point for developing their own interviews, or to use questions contained herein as part of their own interview guide or questionnaire.
The broad topics covered by these interview guides include, at each life transition: enablement through digital, digital social norms, privacy and security, permanence of data, devices and platforms, nostalgia, modes of communication, expressions of self, digital literacy, time online, media forms, and physical and digital links.