Fertile man semen parameters 2020 – an update to the data collated for the WHO semen analysis manual 2010

  • Martin Campbell (Creator)
  • Yun-Ge Tang (Contributor)
  • Ramadan Saleh (Contributor)
  • Roshanak Aboutorabi (Contributor)
  • Francesco Lotti (Contributor)
  • Evangelini Evgeni (Contributor)



    This dataset contains the semen parameters of a fertile man, who have achieved a pregnancy in ≤ 12 months of trying to conceive, with an abstinence period of 2-7 days, at time of semen analysis. The parameters of a semen analysis included are; Semen Volume (ml), Sperm concentration(10x6 per ml), Total sperm number (10x6 per ejaculate), Total motility (PR + NP, %), Progressive motility (PR, %), Non-progressive motility (NP, %), Immotile spermatozoa (IM, %), Vitality (%) and Normal forms (%). The dataset has been derived from the subjects used to formulate the normal semen parameters of a fertile man, stated within The WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen, Fifth Edition and from a systematic review of published papers from 01/01/2010 to 30/04/2020, which included semen parameters of fertile men, which were conducted according to standards set within The WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen, Fifth Edition.
    Date made available2021
    PublisherUniversity of Dundee
    Date of data production1998 - 2020

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