This dataset contains the semen parameters of a fertile man, who have achieved a pregnancy in ≤ 12 months of trying to conceive, with an abstinence period of 2-7 days, at time of semen analysis. The parameters of a semen analysis included are; Semen Volume (ml), Sperm concentration(10x6 per ml), Total sperm number (10x6 per ejaculate), Total motility (PR + NP, %), Progressive motility (PR, %), Non-progressive motility (NP, %), Immotile spermatozoa (IM, %), Vitality (%) and Normal forms (%). The dataset has been derived from the subjects used to formulate the normal semen parameters of a fertile man, stated within The WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen, Fifth Edition and from a systematic review of published papers from 01/01/2010 to 30/04/2020, which included semen parameters of fertile men, which were conducted according to standards set within The WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen, Fifth Edition.