Social Printers were a network of devices that allowed users to send messages that would be printed out on every device. These were given to households during the Scottish Elections 2016 and the EU Referendum 2016, who used them for anonymous discussion during political television programming.
This dataset comprises the messages that were sent and interviews conducted with participants before and after the study.
This work was carried out by Katerina Gorkovenko as part of her PhD research, currently titled "Second Screens for Engagement with Political Discourse", which was funded by EPSRC.
For details see: Gorkovenko, K., Taylor, N. and Rogers, J. 2017. Social Printers: a physical social network for political debates. In: Proceedings of CHI 2017.
Due to ethical concerns, supporting data cannot be made openly available at this time. Further information about the conditions for access are available from the University of Dundee by writing to
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