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Civic Urban Design Laboratory. Rural Living
AlWaer, H. (Investigator)
15/06/23 → 15/12/24
Project: Research
At Home With Children? Liveable Space For The COVID-19 Challenge
Costa Santos, S. (Investigator)
4/01/21 → 3/10/22
Project: Research
Multi-use in European Seas (MUSES) (Joint with 9 other institutions)
Onyango, V. (Investigator)
1/11/16 → 31/10/18
Project: Research
Cities in Evolution
Gopinath, D. (Investigator), Holm, L. (Investigator) & Jarron, M. (Investigator)
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
15/09/15 → 14/02/16
Project: Research
Exploring New Models of Community Based Planning in the Developed UK (Joint with Keele University)
Peel, D. (Investigator)
1/07/15 → 31/01/16
Project: Research
Scottish Improvement Science Research, Development and Knowledge Translation Collaborating Centre (SISCC)
AlWaer, H. (Investigator), Boehnke, J. (Investigator), Breckenridge, J. (Investigator), Burnett, E. (Investigator), Croudace, T. (Investigator), Davey, P. (Investigator), Dreischulte, T. (Investigator), Gavine, A. (Investigator), Gray, N. (Investigator), Guthrie, B. (Investigator), Jefferson, E. (Investigator), Lannie, A. (Investigator), Lee, K. (Investigator), Lee, E. (Investigator), MacGillivray, S. (Investigator), Morris, J. (Investigator), Renfrew, M. (Investigator), Sixsmith, J. (Investigator) & Toma, M. (Investigator)
NHS Education for Scotland, The Health Foundation
1/08/14 → 31/07/21
Project: Research
Assessing the Effectiveness of SEPA's Flood Risk Advice in Planning Decisions
Ball, T. (Investigator) & Illsley, B. (Investigator)
24/06/13 → 23/06/14
Project: Research
Effect of Austerity on Environmental Planning: Comparing Evidence from Scottish and Canadian Experiences
Onyango, V. (Investigator)
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
1/04/13 → 31/07/13
Project: Research