Student theses
- 1 - 50 out of 85 results
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(In)visibility and missing persons: Desperately seeking certainty
Apps, G. (Author), Fyfe, N. (Supervisor), Hodson, A. (Supervisor) & Parr, H. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Social Work
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A Comparative Study of the Experience of Disabled and Non-Disabled Students on Professional Practice Placements
Hill, S. (Author), Harris, J. (Supervisor) & Roger, A. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
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A Critical Discourse Analysis of Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Experiences of Learning Dignity-enhancing Care within the Clinical Learning Environment
Douglas, S. K. (Author), Simpson, M. (Supervisor), Howden, S. (Supervisor) & O'Donnell, A. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
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A longitudinal study exploring post-school transitions of young people with learning disabilities: perspectives of young people, parents and professionals
Aziz, A. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Simpson, M. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A longitudinal study exploring the experiences and wellbeing of internationally mobile families moving to a new country and international school: Perspectives of children, parents and professionals
Koini, C. M. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Robb, A. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
A longitudinal study of student achievement and dropout in a distance learning English writing course
Budiman, R. (Author), Hudson, A. (Supervisor), Topping, K. (Supervisor) & Harris, J. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A Mixed-Methods, Longitudinal Study Into Dental Graduates’ Transition To Practice; Their Experiences And The Changes In Their Relationship With Evidence-Based Practice
Al-Yaseen, W. (Author), Innes, N. (Supervisor), Nanjappa, S. (Supervisor) & Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A Model of Professional Development for Irish Primary Teachers to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Primary Science
Egan, P. (Author), Fernandes, F. (Supervisor) & Lakin, E. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
An evaluation of the impact of a Scottish Local Authority Nurturing Relationships Approach
Nolan, A. (Author), Hannah, B. (Supervisor) & Lakin, L. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Educational Psychology
A new focus for education? Nature connection as a goal for all education: Theoretical, research and practical perspectives
Barrable, A. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Boath, L. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An exploration into the experiences of police officers who investigate child protection cases and secondary traumatic stress
MacEachern, A. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Jackson, S. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An Exploration of Motivation, Relevance and Realism in Simulation Based Medical Education: "I don't want to look like an idiot"
Owen, L. E. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor) & Ker, J. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
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An exploration of preservice teacher development: Beliefs about behaviour management "I was scared...but I'm not scared now."
Knight, M. J. (Author), Miller, D. (Supervisor) & Corlett, L. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
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An exploration of strategies used by Malaysian secondary school teachers to promote positive behaviour: professionals’ and pupils’ perspectives
Awang, M. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Barber, T. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An Interpretative Phenomenological Analytical study of how a group of Scottish social workers have developed resilience ideas, what they are and how they represent them, and how they apply these ideas in working with children and young people
Moran, S. (Author), Hannah, E. (Supervisor) & Fenton, J. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Social Work
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An investigation into teacher-initiated or DIY Professional Development: The push and pull of teacher Professional Development
Holme, R. (Author), Lakin, L. (Supervisor) & Schofield, S. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
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An investigation in to the effectiveness of the Post-Basic Education curriculum (PBEC) in Oman in preparing pupils for the world of work or Higher Education
Al Najar, N. A. (Author), Muschamp, Y. (Supervisor), Miller, D. (Supervisor) & Barron, I. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
A qualitative study examining the Scottish legislative framework dealing with mental health, incapacity and adults at risk of harm, from the perspective of professional staff undertaking related social work functions
Fisk, I. (Author), Simpson, M. (Supervisor), Barron, I. (Supervisor), Wallace, G. (Supervisor) & Fenton, J. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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"Are they ready? Will they cope?" An exploration of the journey from pre-school to school for children with additional support needs who had their school entry delayed
Gorton, H. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Hannah, B. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Educational Psychology
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A Study of Care Leavers Lived Experiences of Social Orphanhood in Latvia
Kessler, Z. (Author), Smith, M. (Supervisor) & Levy, S. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Social Work
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A study of teacher wellbeing in post-primary schools in the West of Ireland
Crawford, T. (Author), Smith, M. (Supervisor) & Lakin, L. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Children at the Centre: Strengthening Child Protection Practice
Bruce, M. (Author), Hannah, E. (Supervisor) & Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Social Work
Collaborative practice to support young people with ASN during the school to post-school transition in Scotland (The perspectives of young people, their families and professionals)
Richardson, T. D. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Hannah, E. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
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Criminal Justice Sanctions and Services: Exploring Potential
McCulloch, T. (Author), Kelly, T. (Supervisor) & McNeill, F. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Social Work
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Cross-Cultural Parental Perceptions of Parenting Styles and Their Association with Social-Emotional Development in Nursery-Aged Children: A Mixed-Methods Study in China and Scotland.
Chen, J. (Author), Ingram, R. (Supervisor) & Hulme, S. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
Curating Curiosity: an exploration of visual art experiences and self-identity formation through the voices of young children
Robb, A. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Levy, S. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Developing HR Practices in public organisations: Investigating the perceptions of internal selection in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman
Al Sheibani, S. A. (Author), Roger, A. (Supervisor) & Ingram, R. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Developing Modelling Competence of Pre-service Science Teachers: Meta-modelling knowledge, Modelling practice, and Modelling product
Xue, S. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor) & Lakin, L. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Disability and employment in China: Lived experiences and approaches from perspectives of young people with learning and developmental disabilities, parents, and job coaches
Lin, D. (Author), Levy, S. (Supervisor) & Campbell, F. K. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Does Simulation Enhance or Inhibit the Development of Self-Knowledge?
Stirling, K. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor) & Roger, A. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Emotion, wellbeing, and professional learning: towards a new conceptual framework promoting agency in student experience
White, W. (Author), McCulloch, T. (Supervisor) & Ingram, R. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Emotions and social work practice
Ingram, R. D. (Author), Harris, J. (Supervisor) & Jackson, S. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Equality and Cultural Capital for Migrant Farm Workers
Mostafa, I. M. (Author), Simpson, M. (Supervisor) & Fernandes, F. L. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Community Learning and Development
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Ethical stress in Scottish criminal justice social work
Fenton, J. (Author), Kelly, T. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Evaluation that Empowers: An iterative investigation of how organisations can become evaluation-minded
Greenaway, L. (Author), Jindal-Snape, D. (Supervisor) & Manwaring, G. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Community Learning and Development
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Evidence-Based Teaching of Writing Practices: A Survey and Intervention at Elementary and High School Level
Green, K. R. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor) & Lakin, E. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Educational Psychology
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Exploring the Potential of an Inventory Based on Social Cognitive Career Theory to Assess Preparedness for the Postsecondary Transition
Douglas, W. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor), Corlett, L. (Supervisor) & Harris, J. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Educational Psychology
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Financial harm in a context of adult protection: the complexity of factors influencing decision making
Durowse, M. (Author), Kelly, T. (Supervisor) & Fenton, J. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Harnessing the Energy within Human Services: a re-conceptualisation of professionalism that incorporates leadership as told through participants’ narratives
Walker, L. (Author), Kelly, T. (Supervisor) & Manwaring, G. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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How do social work professionals construct asylum seekers as objects of knowledge and targets for intervention
Masocha, S. (Author), Simpson, M. (Supervisor), Fernandes, F. (Supervisor) & Jackson, S. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Lee, J. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor), Lakin, E. (Supervisor) & McGuigan, A. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
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Konuralp, H. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor), McEwan-Short, J. (Supervisor) & Campbell, L. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education
Impact of School System, Teaching and Assessment on Female Students' Dropout in Nepal
Dahal, T. P. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor) & Levy, S. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Individuals and society in transition: a narrative study of parents’ use of smacking
Redman, S. (Author), Taylor, J. (Supervisor) & Corlett, J. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Is it a Fair RACE? Validity of Exam Accommodations, Eligibility Criteria, and a New Spelling Test for the Republic of Ireland
James, K. (Author), Hannah, E. (Supervisor) & Hill, S. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Educational Psychology
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'It's Aboot Justice and Journey': Community Development Practitioners' Perspectives Reveal Insights on Practice in Scotland
McEwan-Short, J. (Author), Simpson, M. (Supervisor) & Mladenov, T. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Knowledge of and for Social Work: A Philosophical, Professional and Methodological Inquiry
Hothersall, S. (Author), Kelly, T. (Supervisor) & Barron, I. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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LGBT+ Experiences of Custody: Gender Non-Conformity in Overtly Gendered Social Spaces
McMillan, S. (Author), Fernandes, F. (Supervisor) & Swinney, A. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Science
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Local Authority Support for Creativity in Scottish Primary Headteachers: Emergence of Social Intrapreneurialism in a Complex Pseudo-Democratic System?
Beresford-Dey, M. (Author), Lakin, E. (Supervisor) & Ingram, R. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Maths and Mobile Technologies: Effects on Students’ Attitudes, Engagement and Achievement
Fabian, M. K. (Author), Topping, K. (Supervisor) & Barron, I. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy