- 300 - 350 out of 778 results
Search results
Howden, Andy
- Cell Signalling and Immunology - Principal Investigator/Lecturer (Teaching and Research)
Person: Academic
Hunter, Bill
- Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery - Emeritus Professor of Structural Biology, Associate Staff of Structural Biology
Person: Associate Staff, Honorary
Iorio, Antonio
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Izert-Nowakowska, Matylda
- Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation - Postdoctoral Scientist
Person: Research
Januschke, Jens
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Professor (Teaching and Research) of Development Cell Biology
Person: Academic
Jiang, Hao
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Person: Research
Johnson, Sara
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Senior Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Kasciukovic, Taciana
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Senior Research Associate
Person: Research
Kidd, Giorgia
- Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation - Medicinal Chemist and Organic Chemistry Scientist
Person: Research