- 350 - 400 out of 778 results
Search results
Knatko, Elena
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Kocaturk, Nur
- Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery - Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Land, Stephen
- DArcy Thompson Unit - Professor (Teaching and Scholarship) of Physiology and Biomedical Education T&S
Person: Academic
Lee, Marcus
- Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery - Professor (Teaching and Research) of Parasite Molecular Genetics
Person: Academic
Li, Xiaohan
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Person: Research
Liao, Hanqing
- Cell Signalling and Immunology - Computational Senior Research Scientist
Person: Academic Related
Lilley, David
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Professor of Molecular Biology
Person: Academic