- 450 - 500 out of 778 results
Search results
Meijer, Hedda
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Senior Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Melo da Costa Nunes, Jose
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Associate Staff
Person: Associate Staff
Miles, Timothy
- Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery - Secondee Adjunct Professor, Honorary Researcher (Research)
Person: Secondment, Honorary
Miller, Liz
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Professor (Teaching and Research) of Molecular Membrane Biology
Person: Academic
Milne, Rachel
- Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery - Molecular and Cellular Biologist
Person: Research
Mojsa, Barbara
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Mukhwana, Nicholus
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Murray, David
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - PI / Senior Lecturer (T and R) and Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Person: Academic
Nagar, Rupa
- Drug Discovery Unit - Molecular Interaction Mass Spectrometry/Biophysics Scientist
- Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery - Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Person: Research
Nakasone, Mark
- Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation - Senior Postdoctoral Scientist
Person: Research
Nathke, Inke
- Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology - Professor of Epithelial Biology
Person: Academic
Ndeh, Didier
- Plant Sciences - Principal Investigator/Lecturer (Teaching and Research)
Person: Academic