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Abbott, James
- Computational Biology - Data Analysis and Bioinformatics Group Manager
- DArcy Thompson Unit - Senior Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship)
Person: Research, Academic
Abdolvand, Amin
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - Professor of Functional Materials and Photonics
Person: Academic
Abimbola, Adeyemi Israel
- Undergraduate Medicine - Honorary Clinical Fellow (Teaching)
Person: Honorary
Abraham, Kirstin
- Undergraduate Medicine - Healthcare In Context Module Lead/Clinical Lecturer, Consultation and Communication Skills Tutor
Person: Tutors, Academic
Abubakar, Salisu
- Health Sciences - Lecturer (Teaching and Research)
- Humanities Social Sciences and Law Office - Associate Staff
Person: Associate Staff, Academic
Adegoke, Oluwasesan
- Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science - Senior Lecturer (Teaching and Research)
Person: Academic
Adeniran, Adetunji
- Graduate Apprenticeship Programme - Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship)
Person: Academic
Adeniyi, Omotayo
- Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science - Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Person: Research