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Oral Iron, Intravenous Iron or Discontinuation of Therapy for Older Adults with Treatment-unresponsive Iron Deficiency Anaemia A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial - RAINDroP
Hands, K. (Investigator), Smith, B. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/01/18 → 1/01/20
Project: Research
Developing Theory Based Interventions to Minimise Drop-out in Randomised Trials (Joint with Universities of Aberdeen, Manchester, Liverpool and City University of London)
Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/08/17 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
Podiatry Interventions to Reduce Falls in Older people - A Systematic Review (Joint with Glasgow Caledonian University and University of Stirling)
Morris, J. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/03/17 → 1/09/17
Project: Research
How Does Medication Use Affect Levels of Physical Activity in Older People?
Clarke, C. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/03/16 → 28/02/17
Project: Research
Vitamin K Supplementation to Reduce Falls in Older People - A Pilot Multicentre Trial (Joint with University of Aberdeen and NHS Fife)
Donnan, P. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/01/16 → 31/08/18
Project: Research
Leucine and ACE Inhibitors as Therapies for Sarcopenia; a Two by Two Factorial Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial (Joint with NHS Tayside, Imperial College London and University of Aberdeen)
Donnan, P. (Investigator), George, J. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Struthers, A. (Investigator), Sumukadas, D. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/11/15 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
Improving Physical Activity Levels of Older People Living in Care Homes (Doctoral Fellowship)
Kroll, T. (Investigator), Morris, J. (Investigator), Witham, M. (Investigator) & Wylie, G. (Investigator)
1/06/15 → 31/08/19
Project: Research
Vitamin K Therapy to Improve Vascular Health in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease - A Randomised Controlled Trial (Joint with University of Glasgow and Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Trust)
Struthers, A. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/06/15 → 1/01/19
Project: Research
A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Effect of Allopurinol on Muscle Energetics in Older People with Impaired Physical Function
Bidaut, L. (Investigator), George, J. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Struthers, A. (Investigator), Sumukadas, D. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/01/15 → 31/08/17
Project: Research
Does Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT) in Addition to Standard Care Reduce Disease Severity and Improve Symptoms in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure (Joint with University of Hull)
Witham, M. (Investigator)
23/12/14 → 22/12/16
Project: Research
Evidencing the Role of Social Care for People with Multi-Morbidities - A Mixed Methods Project to Understand and Successfully Analyse Linked Health and Social Care Data on Older People (Scottish Government and ESRC PhD Studentship)
Grant, S. (Investigator), Kroll, T. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/11/14 → 31/10/17
Project: Research
Psychometric Evaluation of the Indicator of Relative Need
Donnan, P. (Investigator), McGilchrist, M. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/07/14 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
Improving Adherence to Medication in Older Heart Failure Patients: A Mixed Methods Study
Fulton, R. (Investigator), Jones, M. (Investigator), Kroll, T. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/01/14 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
The Effect of Spironolactone on Pain in Older People with Osteoarthritis (SPIR-OA)
Donnan, P. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Struthers, A. (Investigator), Sumukadas, D. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
4/11/13 → 3/08/15
Project: Research
Can Vitamin D Supplementation Improve Hepatitis C Cure Rates: A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial (Joint With NHS Lothian, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Grampian and NHS Forth Valley)
Dillon, J. (Investigator), Donnan, P. (Investigator), Evans, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/11/13 → 30/04/16
Project: Research
General Practitioner Led Medication Review of Older People with Polypharmacy (GP-POLY): A Large, Cluster Randomised, Stepped-Wedge Trial of Complex Intervention to Incentivise and Facilitate Medication Review in Older People with Multimorbidity (Health Technology Assessment Programme) (Joint with University of Manchester, Loughborough University, NHS Highland, NHS Fife & NHS Forth Valley)
Donnan, P. (Investigator), Dreischulte, T. (Investigator), Grant, S. (Investigator), Guthrie, B. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/10/13 → 30/09/17
Project: Research
Do ACE Inhibitors Reduce Postural Instability in Older People: A Novel Approach to Falls Prevention
McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Struthers, A. (Investigator), Sumukadas, D. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/08/13 → 30/06/16
Project: Research
Does Oral Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy Improve Function and Quality of Life in Older Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Low-Grade Acidosis? A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial (BICARB) (Joint with University of Aberdeen, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Trust and Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust)
George, J. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Ogston, S. (Investigator), Sumukadas, D. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/10/12 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
Prospective Survey of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Incidence and Management in NHS Tayside
Marwick, C. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Phillips, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/08/12 → 31/07/13
Project: Research
Changes in Physical Activity Levels in a Representative Sample of Older People: A 2 Year Follow Up Study (Joint with University of Newcastle)
Donnan, P. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/05/12 → 30/04/13
Project: Research
Ways to Intervene and Support Engagement of Older Adults Weight Loss Study (WISE OWLS) (Joint with University of Aberdeen) (Small Grant)
Witham, M. (Investigator)
15/03/12 → 14/03/13
Project: Research
Combining Health, Social Services and Functional Data for Older People in Tayside - a Multisource, Interdisciplinary Record Linkage Project (Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy)
Donnan, P. (Investigator), McGilchrist, M. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/01/12 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Vitamin K Status and Markers of Vascular Function in Patients with and without Postural Hypotension
Belch, J. (Investigator), Khan, F. (Investigator), Lambert, M. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/11/11 → 30/04/15
Project: Research
Identifying Older Heart Failure Patients with Depression in Primary Care: A Pilot Study (Joint with University of Aberdeen)
Matthews, K. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Struthers, A. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
19/09/11 → 18/09/12
Project: Research
Vitamin K to Improve Markers of Vascular Health and Physical Function in Older People with Vascular Disease - a Randomized Controlled Trial
Hill, A. (Investigator), Khan, F. (Investigator), McMurdo, M. (Investigator), Struthers, A. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
1/09/11 → 31/08/13
Project: Research
Aref#d: 22246. The Effects of Oral Vitamin D Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with ME/CFS
Belch, J. (Investigator), Kennedy, G. (Investigator), Khan, F. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
1/03/10 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
Aref#d: 20068. Does Vitamin D Reduce Blood Pressure and L V Mass in Resistant Hypertensive Patients with Vitamin D Insufficiency?
Houston, G. (Investigator), MacDonald, T. (Investigator), Struthers, A. (Investigator) & Witham, M. (Investigator)
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
4/10/08 → 3/04/14
Project: Research