Dunne, Theresa


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile


Theresa is a Senior Lecturer in the Accounting & Finance Division of the School of Business.  She is also Director of Doctoral Studies in the School.

She holds a BComm from the National University of Ireland, Galway and an MAcc from the University of Dundee. She was awarded her PhD on the implications of derivatives accounting and reporting for accountability and corporate governance from the same university.

External Affiliations 

  • Associate Editor of Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting (ISSN: 1985-2517)
  • Editorial Board of: Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation; Qualitative Research in Financial Markets
  • Senior Associate Editor: PSU: An International Journal (ISSN: 2399-1747)
  • Editor of Special Issue of Qualitative Research in Financial Markets on Corporate Governance in Emerging Nations
  • Ad hoc reviewer for Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal; Accounting in Europe; British Accounting Review; Corporate Governance: An International Review; Corporate Governance: International Journal of Business in Society; Corporate Communications: An International Journal; European Journal of Finance; Journal of Communication Management; Journal of Derivatives Accounting; Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting; Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation; International Journal of Business Performance Management; Public Money & Management and Qualitative Research in Financial Markets.

Internal Responsibilities

PhD Supervision



Dr. George Cobb: The Implications of Second Generation Digital Reporting for Corporate Governance & Accountability. (2nd)


Dr. Gary Finningham: The Implementation of IFRS in the UK. (2nd)

2005-2011 (P/T)

Dr. Alison Fox: The Governance of Pension Schemes in the UK. (2nd)


Dr. Yasean Tahat: Financial Instrument Disclosure in Jordan. (1st)


Dr. Ahmed Hassan: Internet Reporting in Egypt. (2nd)


Dr. Mutambalale Chanda Shikaputo: Corporate Governance and Development in Zambia. (2nd)


Dr. Issa Dawd: Corporate Financial Disclosure in an Emerging Capital Market: Evidence from Kuwait. (1st)

2010- 2014

Dr. Ibraheem Alshekmubarak: Corporate Governance in Saudi Arabian Islamic Banks. (1st)


Dr. Omar Alhassoon: Corporate Governance in Family-Owned Firms in Saudi Arabia. (1st)


Dr. Irsyadillah Irsyadillah: Perspectives of Accounting Textbook Usage in Indonesia (2nd)

2014-2016 (p/t)

Dr. Alan Walker: Personality Traits of Board Directors (2nd)


Dr. May Alamoudi: Stakeholder Perceptions of Corporate Social Disclosure in Saudi Arabia (1st)


Dr. Mohamed Saeudy: CSR in UK Banks (3rd)


Dr. Emmanuel Asare: Oil & Gas Accounting and Accountability in Ghana )1st)


Dr. Imam Arafat: Fair Value Accounting in Bangladesh (1st)


Current Supervisions:

2014- (p/t)

Mr Ahmed Werfali: XBRL in the UAE (1st)


Mr. Sami Alshahrani: Introduction of IFRS in Saudi Arabia (1st)


Mr. Muhannad Alyousef: Voluntary Disclosure & Board Structure (1st) 


Mr Saud Almuitari: XBRL in Saudi Arabia (1st)


Mr Khaza Ahmed: CSR in Bangladeshi Clothing Industry (2nd)


Ms. Rawan Alsahlawi: Risk Reporting in Saudi Arabia (1st)


Ms. Constance Mbabid: Internet Reporting (1st)


Ms. Juliet Agbeibor: Social Accounting in Ghana (2nd)


Mr. Mohammed Yaaqbeh: Audit and Earnings Management (1st)


Research Interests

  • Accountability
  • Charity Accounting & Governance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Financial Reporting (including derivatives reporting, pensions reporting)
  • International Accounting & Reporting
  • Internet reporting & XBRL

Research Grants

  • Digital Reporting: Looking to the Future of Financial Reporting, ACCA, (2007), £4,700, (with C. V. Helliar, A. Lymer and R. Mousa).
  • The Implementation of IFRS in Italian SMEs, ICAS, (2007), £1,900, (with C. Carini, C. V. Helliar, C. Teodori and M. Veneziani).
  • The Introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards: An Analysis of their Impact on the Usage and content of company Financial Statements, ICAS, (2006), £16,750, (with S. G. M. Fifield, A. M. Fox, G. M. Hannah, C. V. Helliar, D. M. Power, and M. Veneziani).
  • An Exploration of Scottish Charities' Governance and Accountability, ICAS, (2005), £12,080, (with G. M. Hannah, L. Crawford and L. A. Stevenson).
  • Digital Reporting, Management Control Association, (2005), £1,000, (with G. S. Cobb and C. V. Helliar).
  • FRS13: Implementation and Disclosure Issues, ICAEW, (2001-2002), £18,500, (with C. V. Helliar, D. M. Power, L. Moir and K. Ow-Yong).



  • Financial Reporting Theory
  • Contemporary Issues in Accounting
  • Financial Assurance and International Reporting
  • International Accounting & Reporting
  • Research Methods
  • PhD Sessions

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

External positions

External Examiner, Dublin City University

Sept 2017Sept 2021


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