“Notable Women in Computing” Playing Cards – Ace of Clubs, CRA-W and the Anita Borg Institute,

  • Hanson, Vicki L. (Recipient)

Prize: Other distinction


Prof Vicki L. Hanson has been included among the many worthy women being celebrated by the Notable Women in Computing Playing cards set. Women have been leaders in computing from the start, but not enough of our contributions are remembered. Keep our history. The idea comes from the team at the CRA-W and Anita Borg Institute Wikipedia Project who aim to help correct the lack of coverage on wikipedia of significant women in computing. The deck has been jointly authored by Katy Dickinson, Vice President Everwise, Susan H Rodger, Professor Duke University and Jessica Dickinson Goodman. The 52 Women in the deck were selected after receiving multiple, high-level awards from more than one institution, such as being named an ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and receiving the Turing Award. The deck also seeks to portray the true diversity of women in computing both current and historical, showcasing professionals from a variety of nations, backgrounds, gender identities, orientations and abilities. Prof Vicki Hanson has had the honour of being named the Ace of Clubs.

Awarded at event

Event titleGrace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
Period8 Oct 2014 → 10 Oct 2014
