The Compassion Compass: Inspiring Organisational Change through Stories

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


Scottish public services have never before experienced the extreme pressures they are facing now due to Covid-19. Existing structural problems have been amplified to a near collapse, with endless indicators, from additional workloads and low staff morale to stress-related sickness and increased mental health issues. Organisational challenges have been exacerbated and managers are struggling to maintain a valued and motivated workforce, which can deliver high-quality services and desired outcomes. In collaboration with Perth & Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership, this project aims to conduct research and facilitate discussions through co-design workshops to capture staff experiences during the pandemic. The data gathered will be used to lay the foundations for the future development of a series of design probes and sensing toolkits that can capture data in the form of organisational stories about the working culture. These stories will later inform the creation of a strategic management tool which can help leaders foster an environment in which staff thrive and make change happen during difficult times.
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting Organisations
