To Predict and Control Cell Response to Cancer Treatment by Manipulating P53 Isoform Expression in Relation to the Breast Cancer Subtype (Scientific Fellowship)

Project Details

Effective start/end date1/11/1231/07/18


  • (2012MaySF127): £549,999.00


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  • Adaptive homeostasis and the p53 isoform network

    Mehta, S., Campbell, H., Drummond, C. J., Li, K., Murray, K., Slatter, T., Bourdon, J.-C. (Lead / Corresponding author) & Braithwaite, A. W. (Lead / Corresponding author), 6 Dec 2021, In: EMBO Reports. 22, 12, 24 p., e53085.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    26 Citations (Scopus)
    138 Downloads (Pure)