A generic consensus assessment of undergraduate competence in forceps exodontia in the United Kingdom

J. Durham, C. Balmer, A. Bell, G. Cowan, J. Cowpe, St J. Crean, L. Dawson, A. Evans, C. Freeman, J. Jones, M. Macluskey, A. McDonagh, S. McHanwell, L. Millsopp, L. Myrddin, R. Oliver, T. Renton, V. Sivarajasingam, D. Still, K. TaylorP. Thomson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    The assessment of competence in clinical skills has become more frequent in published healthcare curricula and syllabuses recently. There are agreed mechanisms for the assessment of competence in the post-graduate environment, but no consensus within the undergraduate curriculum. This paper seeks to develop an agreed generic checklist for the assessment of competence in forceps exodontia.

    Materials and methods:

    A modified Delphi process was undertaken with representatives from all UK dental schools (n = 13) to develop a generic checklist for the assessment of competence in forceps exodontia. A content analysis of the assessments employed by each school was used to help discussion and inform the Delphi process.


    Seven schools currently employ a summative assessment of competence in forceps exodontia, with the majority employing a structured clinical objective test (n = 6). From the seven assessments, there were a total of 29 putative items and 10 putative domains identified for a generic checklist. These were reduced to five domains and 19 items through the content analysis and Delphi process, and a generic overarching checklist was created.


    Using this generic checklist, it may now be possible to pool data inter-institution to perform more powerful analyses on how our students obtain, or fail to obtain competence in forceps exodontia.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)210-214
    Number of pages5
    JournalEuropean Journal of Dental Education
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • competence
    • oral surgery
    • undergraduate
    • exodontia
    • extraction


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