A scoping review of websites for forensic odontology training programmes

Ranya Ghazi (Lead / Corresponding author), Alex Gardner, Peter Mossey, Doha Abualhija, Scott McGregor, Scheila Manica

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Background: Forensic Odontology developed as a discipline in 1898 with the publication of its first textbook; however, 126 years later, a standardised core curriculum for formal training in Forensic Odontology has yet to be decided. This website scoping review aims to provide information on three main distinct categories (and 17 subcategories): Availability, Content, and Quality of Forensic Odontology education globally. The information on formal education programmes was gathered by conducting a web search using ‘Google Search’ in English, Arabic, Spanish, and French languages between June and July 2022.

Highlights: Fifty-six programmes from 18 countries met the inclusion criteria. Of the 14 master's and 42 diploma programmes, only 7.14% provided information on their websites from all the subcategories investigated. The highest numbers of master's and postgraduate diploma programmes were identified in Europe (18 programmes), South America (15), North America (11) and Asia (7). A practical aspect was included by 10 master’s and 12 diploma programmes’ websites. Research integration in various forms was included by 11 master’s and seven diploma programmes.

Conclusion: Programme providers and applicants must critically consider the quality of the programme being designed or applied to as there are currently no international training standards in Forensic Odontology. This study has developed an ‘International Database of Forensic Odontology Programmes’ (IDFOP).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Aug 2024


  • Forensic Odontology
  • Dentistry
  • Qualification
  • Education
  • Standards
  • Training


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