A second locus for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia maps to chromosome 12

David W. Johnson, Jonathan N. Berg, Carol J. Gallione, Kimberly A. McAllister, Jon P. Warner, Elizabeth A. Helmbold, Dorene S. Markel, Charles E. Jackson, Mary E.M. Porteous, Douglas A. Marchuk

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

155 Citations (Scopus)


Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Osler-Rendu-Weber (ORW) disease is an autosomal dominant vascular dysplasia. Initial linkage studies identified an ORW gene localized to 9q33-q34 but with some families clearly excluding this region. A probable correlation in clinical phenotype between the 9q3-linked families and unlinked families was described with a significantly lower incidence of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations observed in the unlinked families. In this study we examined four unrelated ORW families for which linkage to chromosome 9q33-q34 has been previously excluded. Linkage was established for all four families to markers on chromosome 12, with a combined maximum lod score of 10.77 (θ = 0.04) with D12S339. Mapping of crossovers using haplotype analysis indicated that the candidate region lies in an 11-cm interval between D12S34S and D12S339, in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 12. A map location for a second ORW locus is thus established that exhibits a significantly reduced incidence of pulmonary involvement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-28
Number of pages8
JournalGenome Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Aug 1995


  • Genetics

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics
  • Genetics(clinical)


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