Aberdeen Immunology Group presents... Podcast: Guest Speaker Interview - Dr Henry McSorley

Henry McSorley (Collaborator), Martina Mesiarikova (Collaborator), Mike Morgan (Collaborator), Kate Burgoyne (Editor)

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Henry studied for his undergraduate in Immunology at the University of Glasgow, graduating in 2004. He then completed a PhD on TGF-B homologues from parasites which induce Tregs with Professor Rick Maizels at the University of Edinburgh (graduating in 2008).

Henry then moved Brisbane and Cairns, Australia, to undertake a postdoctoral researcher post with Prof Alex Loukas. He worked on a clinical trial of human hookworm infection, to attempt to treat celiac disease. He returned to Rick Maizels lab in Edinburgh in 2010, working on using parasite secretory products to treat asthma. While there he received an Asthma UK Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013) to continue this work. In 2014 he received a Chancellors Fellowship to set up his own laboratory in Edinburgh.

In 2020 Henry moved his lab to the University of Dundee. The lab’s interests focus on immunomodulation by parasites, and the role of the IL-33 pathway in infection and immunopathology. He is deputy head of the division of Cell Signalling and Immunology.

Presented by Martina Mesiarikova (PhD candidate, University of Aberdeen) and Dr Mike Morgan (Lecturer, University of Aberdeen)

Edited by Kate Burgoyne (Technician, University of Aberdeen)

This podcast is brought to you by the Aberdeen Immunology Group (AIG) which is a regional group of the British Society for Immunology.

Twitter (X): @AbdnImmunology
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputPodcast
Size35 min 31 sec
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2025


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