Accumulated Damage In Nonlinear Cyclic Static And Dynamic Analysis Of Reinforced Concrete Structures Through 3D Detailed Modeling

Christos Mourlas, George Markou, Manolis Papadrakakis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Accurate nonlinear cyclic static and dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete structures is necessary when trying to capture the behavior of concrete structures during earthquake excitations. The development of an objective and robust 3D constitutive modeling approach that will be able to account for the accumulated material damage during the cyclic loading of concrete structures is of great importance in order to realistically describe the physical failure mechanisms [1]. The proposed method is based on the experimental results and the concrete modelling of Kotsovos and Pavlovic [2] as modified by Markou and Papadrakakis [3]. The objective of this research work is to propose a computationally efficient modeling method that accounts for the accumulated damage developed in both concrete and steel materials during cyclic static and dynamic excitations.

Two new damage factors are proposed herein that take into account the number of openings and closures of cracks during the nonlinear cyclic analysis, thus provide with the ability to account for the accumulated damage in both steel and concrete materials. Furthermore, a solution strategy that describes the behavior of concrete during the cyclic static and dynamic analysis is also presented.

The proposed numerical method is validated by comparing its numerical response with the corresponding experimental data of a beam-column frame joint and a two-storey reinforced concrete frame, which were tested under cyclic static and dynamic loading conditions, respectively. Based on the numerical findings, the proposed algorithm manages to accurately capture the experimental results, while the simulation of the understudy models was performed with computational robustness and efficiency. This numerical outcome demonstrates the potential of the proposed 3D detailed modeling approach to be implemented for the seismic assessment of full-scale reinforced concrete structures through nonlinear cyclic static and dynamic analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication 9th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics
EditorsManolis Papadrakakis, Georgios E. Stavroulaki
Place of PublicationGreece
PublisherTechnical University of Crete Press
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic) 9786188153752
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018
Event9th GRACM 2018 International Congress on Computational Mechanics - Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Duration: 4 Jun 20186 Jun 2018


Conference9th GRACM 2018 International Congress on Computational Mechanics
Internet address


  • Nonlinear dynamic analysis
  • reinforced concrete
  • finite element method
  • 3D detailed modeling
  • damage factor


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