Ageing in a changing climate: Implications for age-friendly cities and communities in the UK

Ryan Woolrych, Gary Haq, Briony Latter, Jamil Abdulkader, Luca Brunelli, Mei Lan Fang, Sheena Fontana, Bella Kerr, Shelagh Marshall, Allister McKillop, Ro Pengelly, Pat Scrutton, John Whitelegg

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (AFCCs) encourage active ageing by optimising opportunities for health, participation, and security to enhance quality of life in old age. At the same time, climate change poses new challenges for the health and wellbeing of older people, including the increased frequency of extreme weather events (e.g., flooding, heatwaves and storms). To address this, there is a critical need to explore how AFCCs can provide the resources, amenities and services to support climate resilience and healthy ageing-in-place. We will present ongoing findings from a UKRI funded project entitled Healthy Ageing in Place: Co-Designing Inclusive Climate Resilient Age-Friendly Cities and Communities, which is exploring the barriers and opportunities to delivering inclusive climate resilient AFCCs through qualitative research with older people, policymakers and practitioners. We draw upon specific themes emerging from the research including: place and place-making, housing and home, health and social care, civic participation and volunteering, social infrastructure, mobility and outdoor spaces, information and communication, and intergenerational communities. The paper will highlight priorities and opportunities for the future direction of the AFCC agenda in working towards climate resilient communities and cities that support healthy ageing-in-place
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023
EventBritish Society for Gerontology 52nd Annual Conference 2023 - University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Jul 20237 Jul 2023


ConferenceBritish Society for Gerontology 52nd Annual Conference 2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
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