An Analysis of the Communication of Scientific Evidence and its Impact on Decision-Making in Sexual Violent Crime in Scotland Since 2009: A Third Sector Perspective

Simon-Lewis Menzies

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Often when we examine criminal justice systems, the perspectives, and experiences of the third sector can sometimes be overlooked. This phase of my work sought to determine the impact of the communication of scientific evidence on the decision-making process by both Police Investigators and COPFS adding to the growing focus on the communication of scientific evidence in academic research. This was achieved by undertaking a series of semi-structured interviews with court advocacy workers of the National Advocacy Project from Rape Crisis Scotland.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2022
EventScottish Institute for Policing Research - Annual Postgraduate Symposium - National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Duration: 23 May 202223 May 2022


ConferenceScottish Institute for Policing Research - Annual Postgraduate Symposium
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
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