Analiza predstavljanja nacionalnih manjina u udžbenicima i kurikularnim dokumentima Republike Hrvatske

Translated title of the contribution: Analysis of the representation of national minorities in textbooks and curriculum documents of the Republic of Croatia

Research output: Other contribution


This study analyses the visibility (quantitative representation) of national minorities and their representation and the qualitative context in which they are represented in primary and secondary school textbooks (gymnasium) in the Republic of Croatia, and how they correspond to the curriculum documents (national curriculum and relevant subjects). Subjects of the analysis were textbooks for classes in the Croatian language, of the state education program, namely by the two most popular textbooks for the subjects of Croatian Language, Music Culture, Musical arts, Fine arts, Fine arts, Nature and society, History, Geography, Ethics and Politics and Economy, for the classes in which they are taught. The sample of minorities that were analyzed are Roma, Serbian, Italian, as well as Hungarian (on a smaller scale). The analysis points to a generally insufficient representation of nationals minority (especially specific persons) in textbooks, a tendency towards collective stereotypes (they are often related to the history of inter-ethnic conflict or subjugation) but also to positive examples in promoting interculturality and multiperspectivity. The study makes recommendations, in accordance with best European practices, aimed at state organizations, schools, publishers, and the scientific community.
Translated title of the contributionAnalysis of the representation of national minorities in textbooks and curriculum documents of the Republic of Croatia
Original languageCroatian
TypeResearch and policy paper for Croatian government on minorities representation in textbooks
PublisherGovernment of the Republic of Croatia
Number of pages38
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


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