Assessment of Scapular Morphometry

Neslihan Boyan, Esin Ozsahin, Emine Kizilkanat, Roger W. Soames, Ozkan Oguz

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The current study was undertaken to assess the incidence of different types of suprascapular notch, acromion dimensions and the lower and upper scapular angles. The suprascapular notch and variations of the acromion are clinically important in suprascapular nerve compression and subacromial impingement. Measurements were taken from 73 Anatolian dry scapulae of unknown age or sex. The suprascapuar notch was classified according to that of Rengachary et al. (1979). Its width and depth, the distance between supraglenoid tubercle and the deepest point of notch, as well as the upper and lower scapular angles were also determine measured. The type of acromion was assessed according to shape (type I (cobra), type II (square), type III (intermediate)) and tilt (type I (flat), type II (curve). Acrmion length and the distance between acromion and coracoid process were also measured. The frequency of different types of suprascapular notch were type I (28.8 %), type II (23.3 %), type III (13.7 %), type IV (20.5 %), type V (2.7 %), type VI (5.5 %)and absence (5.5 %). Acromion type were type I (45.5 %), type II (7.5 %) and type III (47.0 %), acromion tilt type I (15.2 %), and type II (84.8 %). An understanding of the association between the anatomical structures of the scapula and morphometric measurements is clinically important.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1305-1309
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal of Morphology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


  • Acromion
  • Scapular morphometry
  • Suprascapular notch

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Anatomy


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