Bowel health to better health: a minimal contact lifestyle intervention for people at increased risk of colorectal cancer

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    30 Citations (Scopus)


    Colorectal cancer screening forms part of Scotland's cancer reduction strategy. Screened participants, who bad undergone colonoscopy and had adenoma(s) removed, were invited to participate in the bowel health to better health (BHBH) programme. BHBH tested the hypothesis that a minimal contact lifestyle intervention could prove effective in promoting changes in diet and activity. Baseline and follow-Lip questionnaires on lifestyle and psycho-social measures were undertaken in adults randomised to BHBH or a comparison group (CG). The 3-month intervention comprised personalised lifestyle advice, goal-setting and social support to promote increases in physical activity, fibre, fruit and vegetables. Response rate to BHBH was 51%. BHBH participants (n 32) increased their intake of fibre (DINE FFQ scores 30 (SD 11)-41 (SD 13)) significantly (P<0.001) more than the CG (n 30; 31 (SD 8)-30 (SD 11). No significant differences between the groups were detected for changes in fruits, vegetables and moderate activity. At baseline, only one participant from each study arm, met the target recommendations for fibre, fruit and vegetable intakes and physical activity. At follow up a significant number of BHBH participants, 15 (47%) compared to 4 (13%) of the CG were achieving all three lifestyle recommendations (chi(2) (1, n 62) = 8.196 P=0.006). If Sustained, the positive behaviour change achieved through this intervention has the potential to impact on the progression of chronic disease risk including CVD.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1541-1546
    Number of pages6
    JournalBritish Journal of Nutrition
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Dec 2009


    • Randomised controlled trials
    • Lifestyle intervention
    • Colorectal adenoma
    • Demonstration pilot
    • Physical activity
    • United Kingdom
    • Trials
    • Diet
    • Care


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