Carrier mobility, band tails and defects in microcrystalline silicon

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    6 Citations (Scopus)


    The development of microcrystalline silicon thin films and devices is briefly reviewed. Transport mechanisms, and the attendant key parameters of carrier mobility, band-tail width and defect density, are linked to film structure and composition. In particular we discuss the wide (but systematic) variations in time-of-flight mobility and its unusual field-dependence. While microcrystalline silicon remains an inferior semiconductor to single-crystal silicon, we propose, and support by means of a computer model, that present device-grade material may be of sufficient quality to justify re-examining whether useful thin-film bipolar devices might be developed. These could find application as more sensitive photo-detectors, and as current drivers in organic LED displays and logic circuits.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication16 Iscmp: Progress in Solid State and Molecular Electronics, Ionics and Photonics
    EditorsD DimovaMalinovska, D Nesheva, AG Petrov, MT Primatarowa
    Place of PublicationBristol
    PublisherIOP Publishing Ltd.
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Print)*****************
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    Event16th International School on Condensed Matter Physics Meeting - Varna, Bulgaria
    Duration: 29 Aug 20103 Sept 2010


    Conference16th International School on Condensed Matter Physics Meeting
    Abbreviated title16 ISCMP


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