Cell and tissue responses to genotoxic stress

Philip J. Coates, Sally A. Lorimore, Eric G. Wright

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    62 Citations (Scopus)


    Cancers arise as a consequence of the accumulation of multiple genetic mutations in a susceptible cell, resulting in perturbation of regulatory networks that control proliferation, survival, and cellular function. Here, the sources of cellular stress that can cause oncogenic mutations and the responses of cells to DNA damage are reviewed. The role of different repair pathways and the potential for cell- and tissue-specific reliance on individual repair mechanisms are discussed. Evidence for cell- and tissue-specific activation of p53-mediated growth arrest and apoptosis after exposure to an individual genotoxin is assessed and some of the potential mediators of these different responses are provided. These cell- and tissue-specific responses to particular forms of DNA damage are likely to be key determinants of tissue-specific tumour susceptibility, and there is good evidence for genetic variations in these responses. The role that genotoxic agents play in altering the microenvironment to produce indirect effects on tumourigenesis through altered production of free radicals and cytokines that are characteristic of inflammatory-type processes is also evaluated. Changes to the microenvironment as direct or indirect effects of genotoxic stress can be involved in both tumour initiation and progression and may even be a prerequisite for tumourigenesis. Therefore, tumour susceptibility after endogenous or exogenous genotoxic stress represents a balance between cell-intrinsic responses of target cells and changes to the microenvironment. A fuller understanding of cell- and tissue-specific responses, alterations to the microenvironment, and genetic modifiers of these responses could lead to novel prevention and therapeutic strategies for common forms of human malignancy.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)221-35
    Number of pages15
    JournalJournal of Pathology
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2005


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