Citizen Science Projects (MOOC) 2.6: Tool in focus: CLIs

Mel Woods (Creator), Saskia Coulson (Creator), Raquel Ajates (Creator), Angelos Amditis (Creator), Andy Cobley (Creator), Dahlia Domian (Creator), Gerid Hager (Creator), Michele Ferri (Creator), Dilek Fraisl (Creator), Steffen Fritz (Creator), Margaret Gold (Creator), Nikoletta Karitsioti (Creator), Joan Masó (Creator), Ian McCallum (Creator), Giovanni Tomei (Creator), Martina Monego (Creator), Inian Moorthy (Creator), Ester Prat (Creator), Athanasia Tsertou (Creator), Valantis Tsiakos (Creator)Linda See (Creator), Laura Underwood (Creator), Uta Wehn (Creator)

Research output: Other contribution

42 Downloads (Pure)


This record is part of a wider collection that captures the online course, Citizen Science Projects: How to make a difference (MOOC). This record represents a single learning activity in the MOOC in chronological order. Associated content is linked to the master record below.
Original languageEnglish
TypeMOOC Article
Publication statusPublished - 2020


Dive into the research topics of 'Citizen Science Projects (MOOC) 2.6: Tool in focus: CLIs'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
  • Citizen Science Projects: How to make a difference (MOOC)

    Woods, M. (Creator), Coulson, S. (Creator), Ajates, R. (Creator), Amditis, A. (Creator), Cobley, A. (Creator), Domian, D. (Creator), Hager, G. (Creator), Ferri, M. (Creator), Fraisl, D. (Creator), Fritz, S. (Creator), Gold, M. (Creator), Karitsioti, N. (Creator), Masó, J. (Creator), McCallum, I. (Creator), Tomei, G. (Creator), Monego, M. (Creator), Moorthy, I. (Creator), Prat, E. (Creator), Tsertou, A. (Creator) & Tsiakos, V. (Creator) & 3 others, See, L. (Creator), Underwood, L. (Creator) & Wehn, U. (Creator), 2020, WeObserve.

    Research output: Other contribution

  • Citizen Sensing: A Toolkit

    Woods, M. (Lead / Corresponding author), Balestrini, M., Bejtullahu, S., Bocconi, S., Boerwinkel, G., Boonstra, M., Boschman, D.-S., Camprodon, G., Coulson, S., Diez, T., Fazey, I., Hemment, D., van den Horn, C., Ilazi, T., Jansen-Dings, I., Kresin, F., McQuillan, D., Nascimento, S., Pareschi, E. & Polvora, A. & 3 others, Salaj, R., Scott, M. & Seiz, G., 2018, 221 p. Making Sense.

    Research output: Other contribution

    Open Access
    960 Downloads (Pure)

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