Citizen Sensing: A Toolkit

Melanie Woods (Lead / Corresponding author), Mara Balestrini, Sihana Bejtullahu, Stefano Bocconi, Gijs Boerwinkel, Marc Boonstra, Douwe-Sjoerd Boschman, Guillem Camprodon, Saskia Coulson, Tomas Diez, Ioan Fazey, Drew Hemment, Christine van den Horn, Trim Ilazi, Ivonne Jansen-Dings, Frank Kresin, Dan McQuillan, Susana Nascimento, Emma Pareschi, Alexandre PolvoraRon Salaj, Michelle Scott, Gui Seiz

Research output: Other contribution

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Making Sense, was a European funded H2020 project involving multiple partners across Europe. It was constructed around a group of researchers, activists, artists and designers inspired by the empowerment of citizens using open-source technologies. This book is a compilation of their collective knowledge, successes and failures, offering insights into their research as well as tools methods and inspiration to support new campaigns. It introduces a set of values and guiding principles that is proposed can help any meaningful community action. The core values of which are: empowerment, openness, co-creation and change making. The starting point is a long-standing participation in working with and around open-source culture, new media art, maker culture, community activism and research, all of which foster these values. Over the course of this book, a number of 'Making Sense' campaigns are outlined to give a flavour of how they developed and why. The rich diversity fo the topics addressed in these campaigns, as well as their environmental, political, economic and cultural contexts, are explored in the framework, tools and recommendations that form the bulk of the book.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherMaking Sense
Number of pages221
ISBN (Electronic)9789082821505
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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  • Citizen Science Projects (MOOC) 1.10: Empathy timeline

    Woods, M. (Creator), Coulson, S. (Creator), Ajates, R. (Creator), Amditis, A. (Creator), Cobley, A. (Creator), Domian, D. (Creator), Hager, G. (Creator), Ferri, M. (Creator), Fraisl, D. (Creator), Fritz, S. (Creator), Gold, M. (Creator), Karitsioti, N. (Creator), Masó, J. (Creator), McCallum, I. (Creator), Tomei, G. (Creator), Monego, M. (Creator), Moorthy, I. (Creator), Prat, E. (Creator), Tsertou, A. (Creator) & Tsiakos, V. (Creator) & 3 others, See, L. (Creator), Underwood, L. (Creator) & Wehn, U. (Creator), 2020, WeObserve.

    Research output: Other contribution

  • Citizen Science Projects (MOOC) 2.4: Challenges in data collection

    Woods, M. (Creator), Coulson, S. (Creator), Ajates, R. (Creator), Amditis, A. (Creator), Cobley, A. (Creator), Domian, D. (Creator), Hager, G. (Creator), Ferri, M. (Creator), Fraisl, D. (Creator), Fritz, S. (Creator), Gold, M. (Creator), Karitsioti, N. (Creator), Masó, J. (Creator), McCallum, I. (Creator), Tomei, G. (Creator), Monego, M. (Creator), Moorthy, I. (Creator), Prat, E. (Creator), Tsertou, A. (Creator) & Tsiakos, V. (Creator) & 3 others, See, L. (Creator), Underwood, L. (Creator) & Wehn, U. (Creator), 2020, WeObserve.

    Research output: Other contribution

  • Citizen Science Projects (MOOC) 2.6: Tool in focus: CLIs

    Woods, M. (Creator), Coulson, S. (Creator), Ajates, R. (Creator), Amditis, A. (Creator), Cobley, A. (Creator), Domian, D. (Creator), Hager, G. (Creator), Ferri, M. (Creator), Fraisl, D. (Creator), Fritz, S. (Creator), Gold, M. (Creator), Karitsioti, N. (Creator), Masó, J. (Creator), McCallum, I. (Creator), Tomei, G. (Creator), Monego, M. (Creator), Moorthy, I. (Creator), Prat, E. (Creator), Tsertou, A. (Creator) & Tsiakos, V. (Creator) & 3 others, See, L. (Creator), Underwood, L. (Creator) & Wehn, U. (Creator), 2020, WeObserve.

    Research output: Other contribution


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