Communication, co-operation and social interactions: a report from the third 'Young Microbiologists Symposium on Microbe Signaling, Organization and Pathogenesis'

Delphine L. Caly, Sarah J. Coulthurst, Shi-Qi An, Sophie Helaine, Jacob G. Malone, Robert P. Ryan (Lead / Corresponding author)

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The third Young Microbiologists Symposium took place on the vibrant campus of University of Dundee, Scotland from the 2nd-3rd June 2014. The symposium attracted over one hundred and fifty microbiologists from seventeen different countries. The significant characteristic of this meeting was that it was specifically aimed at providing a forum for junior scientists to present their work. The meeting was supported by the Society for General Microbiology, the American Society for Microbiology with further sponsorship from the European Molecular Biology Organisation, Federation of European Microbiological Societies and The Royal Society of Edinburgh. In this report, we highlight some themes that emerged from the many exciting talks and poster presentations given by the young and talented microbiologists in the area of microbial gene expression, regulation, biogenesis, pathogenicity and host interaction.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3527-3533
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Bacteriology
Issue number20
Early online date28 Jul 2014
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014
EventYoung Microbiologists Symposium on Microbe Signalling, Organisation and Pathogenesis - University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Jun 20143 Jun 2014


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