Community-Embedded Positive Mental Health Promotion Programs for the General Population: A scoping review protocol

Lindsay K. Heyland, Jodi E. Langley, Sophie M. Keddy, Alanna C. Kaser, Taylor G Hill

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Introduction: Positive mental health promotion (PMHP) is an emerging field within community mental health. Programming and policy efforts devoted to promoting mental health are developing. These efforts are varied in scope and nature, and there is little consensus on evidence-based best practices. Objective: To chart the body of literature on PMHP programming and to document the current PMHP in one Canadian province to provide insight into the types, scope, and nature of the programs currently and historically available to community residents in this province. Inclusion criteria: Peer-reviewed literature relevant to community mental health promotion, and grey literature that contains details of community-based programs accessible to the general population in that community. Methods: A preliminary search strategy in PubMed, EBSCO, and PsycInfo was developed with a librarian and a JBI-trained researcher. Primary studies published in English after 2000 evaluating or documenting PMHPs will be included. Grey literature from an environmental scan of existing local programs will be included. Data to be extracted includes study methodology and methods, program scope, content, materials, evaluation and outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHealthy Populations Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 17 Nov 2021


  • mental health
  • community
  • health promotion
  • well-being
  • program implementation


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