Complexity ethics and UNFCCC practices for 1.5 °C climate change

Christopher Lyon

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    Introducing a ‘complexity ethics’ frame would help society mitigate or adapt to climate warming within or exceeding the Paris Agreement 1.5 °C aim. A complexity ethics frame underlines existing facilitative multi-stakeholder methodologies used at subnational scales to build adaptive capacity and may be scaled-up in a transformed UNFCCC. Adopting such approaches at the international political level would permit non-state, non-Party stakeholders to more efficiently integrate their tremendous capacity for climate action into the global climate action process, leading to more substantial climate mitigation and adaptation for and over 1.5 °C warming. In turn, this would help satisfy critiques regarding the democratic legitimacy of polycentric moves to include non-state actors at this level, incorporate other global initiatives and problems like the SDGs and biodiversity loss, and meet high-level calls for more co-operative responses.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)48-55
    Number of pages8
    JournalCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
    Early online date4 Jan 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2018


    • climate change
    • adaptation
    • governance
    • adaptive governance


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