Consideration of the mental state of accused persons at the pre-trial and pre-sentencing stages: report of a research project carried out in five areas of Scotland, June-December 1991

G. D. L. Cameron, J. J. McManus

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report


    The aim of the research was to examine the process by which potentially mentally disturbed offenders are identified and subsequently processed through the Scottish criminal justice system. The research was originally motivated by concern at an apparently high incidence of mentally disturbed offenders within penal institutions and by an increasing concern with these issues within government circles, both in Scotland and in England and Wales.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherScottish Executive, Central Research Unit
    ISBN (Print)0748007040, 9780748007042
    Publication statusPublished - 1993

    Publication series

    NameCentral Research Unit papers
    PublisherScottish Office Central Research Unit


    • Mentally disordered offenders
    • Preliminary examinations
    • Criminal procedure
    • Scotland
    • Pre-sentence reports


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