Corrigendum: A novel multiple-stage antimalarial agent that inhibits protein synthesis

Beatriz Baragaña, Irene Hallyburton, Marcus Lee, Neil R. Norcross, Raffaella Grimaldi, Thomas D. Otto, William R. Proto, Andrew M. Blagborough, Stephan Meister, Grennady Wirjanata, Andrea Ruecker, Leanna M. Upton, Tara S. Abraham, Mariana J. Almeida, Anupam Pradhan, Achim Porzelle, Maria Santos Martinez, Judith M. Bolscher, Andrew Woodland, Torsten LukschSuzanne Norval, Fabio Zuccotto, John Thomas, Frederick Simeons, Laste Stojanovski, Maria Osuna-Cabello, Paddy M. Brock, Tom S. Churcher, Katarzyna A. Sala, Sara E. Zakutansky, María Belén Jiménez-Díaz, Laura Maria Sanz, Jennifer Riley, Rajshekhar Basak, Michael Campbell, Vicky M. Avery, Robert W. Sauerwein, Koen J. Dechering, Rintis Noviyanti, Brice Campo, Julie A. Frearson, Inigo Angulo-Barturen, Santiago Ferrer-Bazaga, Francisco Javier Gamo, Paul G. Wyatt, Didier Leroy, Peter Siegl, Michael J. Delves, Dennis E. Kyle, Sergio Wittlin, Jutta Marfurt, Ric N. Price, Robert E. Sinden, Elizabeth A. Winzeler, Susan A. Charman, Lidiya Bebrevska, David W. Gray, Simon Campbell, Alan H. Fairlamb, Paul A. Willis, Julian C. Rayner, David A. Fidock, Kevin D. Read (Lead / Corresponding author), Ian H. Gilbert

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Nature 522, 315–320 (2015); doi:10.1038/nature14451

In this Article, Torsten Luksch was inadvertently omitted from the author list. He is affiliated with the Drug Discovery Unit, Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, UK. His contribution was the analysis of initial screening data alongside author A.W. The online versions of the paper have been corrected.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)122
Number of pages1
Issue number7618
Early online date25 May 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016


  • Drug discovery and development
  • Malaria
  • Target identification

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General


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  • A novel multiple-stage antimalarial agent that inhibits protein synthesis

    Baragana, B., Hallyburton, I., Lee, M. C. S., Norcross, N. R., Grimaldi, R., Otto, T. D., Proto, W. R., Blagborough, A. M., Meister, S., Wirjanata, G., Ruecker, A., Upton, L. M., Abraham, T. S., Almeida, M. J., Pradhan, A., Porzelle, A., Santos Martinez, M., Bolscher, J. M., Woodland, A. & Luksch, T. & 44 others, Norval, S., Zuccotto, F., Thomas, J., Simeons, F., Stojanovski, L., Osuna-Cabello, M., Brock, P. M., Churcher, T. S., Sala, K. A., Zakutansky, S. E., Belén Jiménez-Díaz, M., Maria Sanz, L., Riley, J., Basak, R., Campbell, M., Avery, V. M., Sauerwein, R. W., Dechering, K. J., Noviyanti, R., Campo, B., Frearson, J. A., Angulo-Barturen, I., Ferrer-Bazaga, S., Javier Gamo, F., Wyatt, P. G., Leroy, D., Siegl, P., Delves, M. J., Kyle, D. E., Wittlin, S., Marfurt, J., Price, R. N., Sinden, R. E., Winzeler, E. A., Charman, S. A., Bebrevska, L., Gray, D. W., Campbell, S., Fairlamb, A. H., Willis, P. A., Rayner, J. C., Fidock, D. A., Read, K. D. (Lead / Corresponding author) & Gilbert, I. H. (Lead / Corresponding author), 18 Jun 2015, In: Nature. 522, 7556, p. 315-320 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    349 Citations (Scopus)

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